Sunday, January 1, 2012


2012 is almost upon us. It brings with it a clean start and new opportunities. It’s a time to reflect and decide on what the next year will bring. This is where I will focus my time and spend my energy in 2012:

  • Be mindfully aware of who I am, with gratitude for each moment of being. Linger in each moment. Spend time in the soulful.
  • Let others in, hold no expectations and be open to receiving.
  • Make new friends and strengthen those bonds of kinship - attend at least one activity a week where I meet new people. Spend time with friends regularly.
  • Express myself - write at least 5000 words a week.
  • Grow stronger physically through healthy nutrition, movement and meditation - Eat 4 freshly cooked meals at home a week, exercise 5 hours a week and meditate for an hour a week.
  • Learn to play the piano - take lessons and practice for 2 hours a week.
  • Quit Facebook